I once took a woodworking class where the teacher’s only instruction was “Listen to the wood. It will tell you the shape it wants to be.” I believe the Self offers us this same wisdom if we tune in to listen.

I understand how it feels to sculpt a life that follows its own course, beyond the constructs of conventional norms, family expectations and societal pressures.

Navigating the way through has presented a fair share of challenges and tests, all of which have served as valuable touchstones in my process. The path is ongoing, which is why I continue to invest in my own psychological growth while I help others do the same.

Alongside my work as a psychotherapist, my creative practice sustains me. I enjoy playing with various mediums, including printmaking, textiles, design, and collage.

Hi, I’m Sascha.

As a psychotherapist, I love to support people to trust their inner compass and courageously follow their unique life path.